Consulting | Service Culture Development
Service Culture Strategic Plan for Corporate Culture Change
Our clients learn how to improve the performance of their entire workforce so they can develop a culture of delivering superior customer service. This requires commitment, time and some money. Building world-class service and a service culture demand that you keep employees motivated and trained continually.
Invest in your company's asset where you can get the greatest return on your profitability:
your employees.
Programs for Employees
Moving Up: Inspire Employees to Succeed
Feelings for Professionals: World's First Customer Service Program
Remember Me: Make Customers Feel Important
Speed: Do It Fast, Do It Right
Feelings for Retail Service: Customer Training for the Retail Frontline
Exceptional Service: Customer Service with a Team
Loyal for Life: Service Recovery Training
Empowering Employees: On-the-Spot Customer Service
The Spirit of Excellence: Customer Service for Hospitals
Connections: Customer Service for Higher Education
The Essence of Caring: For Clinics, HMOs, and Manage Care
Healthcare with Feelings
Handling Irate Customers
Exceptional Service
Programs for Managers
Attaining Excellence
Attaining Excellence for Government
Coaching for Success
Leading Empowered Teams
Idea Campaigns
BAD (Buck-A-Day) Campaign
Good Idea Campaign